Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bulbophyllum secundum

Bulbophyllum secundum
Scientific classification
Species:Bulbophyllum secundum

Rhizome 0.8-2 mm in diam., sections between pseudobulbs 0.5-1.8 cm. Pseudobulbs close, depressed conic to lenticular, 0.4-1 × 0.6-1.5 cm. Petiole 0.7-1.5 cm; leaf blade elliptic, 3.2-10 × 0.4-1 cm, obtuse to acute. Inflorescence an elongate, rather lax raceme, erect, 7.5-22 cm, 8-23-flowered; peduncle 5-13.2 cm; bracts ca. 4, longest 2-4.5 mm; rachis not thickened, 2.2-11 cm, glabrous; floral bracts triangular, 1-1.8 × 0.8-1.2 mm, acute to acuminate. Flowers distichous or scattered, resupinate, secund, not fully opening, several simultaneously, pale green, often suffused with dull reddish brown or purple toward tip, or almost entirely of that color except for base, lip reddish purple, or brownish green, proximally dark brown along margins. Pedicel and ovary 1.8-6 mm. Dorsal sepal ± porrect, ovate to triangular, 2-3.2 × 0.9-1.3 mm, rather thin, surface glabrous, base rather narrowly attached, margin ciliolate, apex obtuse to acute; lateral sepals recurved, triangular, 2.2-3.8 × 1.3-2.2 mm, upper margin glabrous to sparsely ciliolate, (sub-)acute, otherwise as dorsal sepal. Petals porrect, obovate to spatulate, 1.5-2.5 × 0.6-1 mm, thin, glabrous or slightly papillose toward tip, base broadly attached, margins ciliate, apex rounded to obtuse; lip recurved in proximal half, ovate, 1.8-3 × 0.9-1.2 mm, thick; abaxially with an inconspicuous, retuse ridge toward base, surface glabrous; adaxially slightly concave near base and with a deeply cleft, triangular basal callus, with 2 very weak, rounded ridges diverging proximally and fused to a single slightly convex body in distal half of lip, surface finely papillose to shortly pubescent proximally and glabrous distally, margins ciliate except near tip, apex rounded. Column 1.1-1.3 mm; stelidia triangular, 0.3-0.5 mm, acute. Fl. Jan-Feb, May-Jul, Sep.
Epiphytic in montane temperate or tropical evergreen (shrub) forests, also reported from depleted evergreen forests; 1200-2500 m. Yunnan [India, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam].

CITIES category : Appendix II

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