Thursday, November 5, 2015

Ceratostylis griffithii

A genus of small epiphytes with fibrous roots and terete leaves that have an short inflorescence with one to several flowers in a small cluster that arises from sheaths at the base of the leaves. There are 147 some species in the genus that is largely found in India, S. E. Asia, and out to the Philippines and adjacent Pacific Islands. They require shade, humidity and plenty of water while growing, gradually reducing as the growths mature but never allow thew plant to dry out compleately. They flower more than once a year and can be divided after flowering. The solitary to a few in a cluster, resupinate flowers have erect, connivent sepals with the laterals forming an saccate or spurlike mentum with the column foot, narrow petals and a lip that is adnate to the column foot by a long, incumbent claw, entire, often with longitudinal calli and a short, dilated above, 2 lobed or with 2 spathulate, erect arms column and an elongate foot all with 8, sessile pollina.

CITIES category : Appendix II

1.Ref 1

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